Monday, June 17, 2013

Short Update and Lots of Photos

(Enjoying my Breakfast on the veranda)

A saturday afternoon (where after doing the grocery shopping for Judy and I ) I got to have some time to myself to visit old places, the Novotel or now “Umubano” Hotel and my favorite Coffee shop, sadly the electricity had just gone out so no blended drinks or expressos.
(Round About as you enter Downtown) 

(Old hangout spot) 

(Bussy Creative Kids, and Helping mothers in the Background)

On Sunday, I was blessed to see a dear family friend, Clavier who used to work for my family from 2005-2012. Tears were in the corner of his eyes as he asked about each member of my family, sharing how special each one was, and how he prayed for all of us. He was very much apart of our family. When I skyped my family today I told Timothy I saw him and he said, “I miss him so much.” When ever his big sibs were busy Timothy always found a play mate in Clavier.

 I also taught sunday school to the 2-3 yr olds. I taught on the month theme of how much God cares for us, specifically today by giving us Fathers. They each got to decorate a Fathers day card. Then lastly it was playdough time.
(A mother specifically requested I take a picture of her boys, bright future of Africa) 
(Entering Downtown Kigali) 

(The New and The Old Downtown on a quiet Sunday afternoon) 

(Yes if anyone was wondering Heaven is located in Rwanda)
 After Church another wonderful surprise, was getting to spend the afternoon with Wheaton alum, Katie Ericson. We actually met in Rwanda two year ago, and even went to Kumbya camp together. As a freshman I was lucky to have a Gen Ed class with her each semester, before she graduated. So funny that we were reunited in Kigali! She is here with her father, who is on the board of Heal Africa. They will be traveling around Rwanda for barely a week before they are back on a plane to the U.S. I am always grateful for reunions like that that remind me how small the world really is.
(I'm Inside Africa) 

This morning I worked with women who had just finished a Duhugurane, a Work Readiness training and much more program initiated by Jamie Boiles (missionary with ROC). My responsibilities included reviewing and helping write/format C.V.s (more detailed resumes). This is a wonderful program that empowers young woman with skills, network, and mentoring even with other business women in Rwanda! 
(Walking home Sunday Evening) 

Finally, my afternoon was spent settling into my newest and crossing my fingers final house for the summer. (I’ve slept in 4 beds since I’ve been here). However I am very grateful for this house, it’s a stone throw away from the Church. And a beautiful Acacia Tree is growing in our front yard. 

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