Monday, June 10, 2013

Taking in Rwanda

(Two 50 lb checked bags, one carry on closer to 60lbs, and a small backpack all ready to go! )
What it smells like... 
When I first stepped off the airplane I took in a big “gulp” of air. Breathing slowly and with my gut. It smelled like home, the smell I had been craving. A little smokey from the burning of eucalyptus trees releasing a tangy barque scent. Also theres a sweetness in the thickness of the air, (and that is probably the humidity) However, when I breath the air here it’s like I’m actually breathing something, a tangiable thing; the air has flavor.
What it sounds like... 
Today I rolled over in bed, to look at the time on my phone: 2 a.m. I laid in bed for the next three hours, reminding myself again and again of where I was. Home, in Kigali, Rwanda. Yesterday I had arrived, and joined my church family for worship at Christ Church in Rwanda. I was blessed to see so many old and dear friends. My afternoon was spent celebrating the one year birthday of Baby M, a foster son of one of the missionary families. Remarkable story of the Lord's compassion, and how he uses us to carry out his will to care for the most vulnerable... As I laid in bed my thoughts wandered from my first day in Rwanda to the next two month ahead of me. I kept trying to urge myself to sleep. Then around 4:45, I heard a neighbors rooster crowing, followed by the muslim call to prayer. It’s almost time for the sun to come up I thought. I can not remember the last time I was up for the sunrise in Rwanda.
(Baby M is more interested in his box of biscuits then that cupcake)
(Baby M enjoying his new hat and other presents)
(Yum wrapping paper!) 
What it looks like... 
 I decided that since I could not sleep I would go for a walk to watch the sunrise! I gathered my camera, slipped on my moccasins and crept out the door not to walk up my roommate.  (Side Note: I am blessed to be rooming with a lovely lady, who happens to have 5 grandkids, she is just now starting her missionary journey and is working at the school). As I stepped outside the sky was already turning a hazy purple blue. Pink wisps of clouds rose from behind the mountains. It was such a sweet moment. 
Later today, I was able to visit some old places of mine today, a coffee shop and the pool. Having activity helped to fight off the jet lag. I am hopping for a solid night sleep tonight, so that I can be ready for my first day of oficial intern business tomorrow. 
What it feels like.... 
Since I have been in Rwanda I continue to keep reminding myself to take in each moment. And remember where I am and how I got here. I am continually amazed at God’s goodness and love, so evident in his creation! 
(My favorite flowers...) 
(Misty hills)
(View from the top of the hill when I just started my walk) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your are a wonderful story teller. I felt for a moment what is must have been like. Thanks for sharing. You don't know me, but I know you through your mother and grandparents, Jan and Gaston. May God bless your summer and your life, Marilyn McDermett
