Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Lord and Teacher washes my feet...

I want to share a few stories and highlights of my last week. 
(Washing Feet) 

Last Sunday I invited all the girls from my theater/art group to my house for a “Girls Night”. As I was brainstorming idea’s I believe the Holy Spirit prompted me with the image of Christ washing his disciples feet. Sparked with the Spirit’s creativity I made home made sugar scrub, to wash each of the girl’s feet. For party favors, I put a couple heaping spoonfuls of scrub into recycled jars, and attached John 13:14-15 with fabric around each jar. It reads “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” 
(Body Scrub Jars with Scripture attached)
I was so blessed that evening to have 8 wonderful girls come. I made my living room/dinning room area cozy; with candles, and flowers for centerpieces. (A little inspiration from my time Mimi Wilson). I baked cookies and bought other snacks. The girls were great to bring food too to share. As each girl arrived I explained how I would like to wash their feet. A couple giggled from ticklish feet, or embarrassment. I reminded them, “think how the disciples felt when their LORD washed their feet, they must have been so embarrassed, I bet they even giggled from embarrassment.” It was a sweet time, and one of the girls even insisted on washing my feet when I was finished with the others. The girls and I had  great time of fellowship, that ended with watching a chick flick. Many laughs were shared! 

(Mimi laughing as Keli cut's roses for centerpiece) 
Other highlights from my week include my last session at Mimi’s house. We learned how to make cream puffs! And let me just say my apartment next year are in for a treat for roommate dinner! We set the table for “elegance” as Mimi shared with us teachings on thankfulness and worship. She set out stacks of thank you cards for us to mix and match to make our own stationary kits. I appreciated her thoughtfulness so much. 

Tuesday and Wednesday I taught my Theater and Art class. I am continually amazed at the work that this lovely ladies are producing. We also brainstormed and planned our mural for the 10-12 children's classroom. We begin work on that this week. 

On friday night I had the privilege of sharing my story of faith with the youth from Christ Church in Rwanda. I discussed how the search for belonging and identity had defined my life, as a third culture kid. I shared about my identity not being founded on where I live or what passport I carry, but by Christ and what He did for me. 

On Saturday we had Sunday School Teacher training at Keli’s house (Children Ministry). We enjoyed a large brunch together, and shared practical tips of teaching, different techniques and ideas for the future. I was blessed by the commitment, care and love, of each teacher for the children of our church. It encouraged me as I prepared my lesson for Creche 2-3 yr olds. This month we are learning that “God made me”. The highlight of our time today was when I passed out rhythm instruments, “saying God gave us ears so we could hear music.” And those kids rocked out!

Some summary thoughts... this week seemed to follow the themes of service and humility. My time with the girls on Sunday reminded me of how Christ humbled himself on this earth to serve. It encouraged me to continue to set Christ as an example as I serve here my last couple of weeks. In service by showing love to one another we join Christ in His work. I keep trying to imagine how I would have responded if I was one of the disciples and Jesus washed my feet. I even blush to think of it. I think my blush comes from a feeling of not feeling worthy of Christ serving me in such a beautiful way. My Lord and Teacher pampering me. My feelings are so silly because... As I have continued to keep a gratefulness journal this week I have seen the many ways the Lord pampers me. I may not have the exact opportunity that the disciples had, but I do have many gifts from God that go beyond my immediate needs. He gives me delicious desserts to taste, (I’ve been enjoying the french bakeries here). I get to take hot showers, and put ice in my drink. He allows me to create and make things that are just for the pleasure of beauty; for His pleasure. His creativity allows me to teach others. I count my blessings, and I blush from an overwhelming sense of the Goodness of the God I serve. 
(Church Durring the Children's Moment) 

(Setting the mood for my Girls Night)

(Enjoying face masks...and not quite sure what exactly the cucumbers do?)

(Group Shot before we started the movie) 

(Mimi showing how to set the table) 

(Beauty feeds the soul...) 

1 comment:

  1. Excited that I read this as I am waiting to board a plane to Kigali. Hope I get to meet you during my stay!
